a set of postcards that failed to make it to production.
sometimes when one wants to commercialize art, one has to think of the market reception. if they don't like it, you don't make it. bahhhhhh. i say to hell with that.
but not right now though. :( i'm too poor to invest money in something that wouldn't sell.
help! T_T~
oh wells.
beautiful drawing,
Best Wishes
They are indeed beautiful. You should maybe make a small batch and see how it goes... don't doubt yourself.
I love them,great expressions with such economy of line.
(Somehow logging in is problematic, so I post anonymous)
While the last one is so-so, the first two ones are outstanding, and it´s not like I praise people for no reason. They have excellent contrast, very good textures (the hair and the stripe shirt), and a charming way of drawing faces that reminds me of 60ies/70ies european drawings. Overall, they have some sort of Jugendstil-flair. They look so much more evolved than your cartoony work (which is good already!).
You should really go with that.
Ah, now I know what this reminds me of:
I would love to see you work in this direction, this could be your fitting shoe. Great work!
Cheers, Frederik
I agree with Frederik, the first two pieces are excellent. The last one has it's merits, but the composition is less intense. I love this style!
I like them! I think they would wrk well as a series of prints rather than postcards. I like the stylized figures and the strong lines and blocks of black. Very nice:>
ha ha, very true. it's a catch 22 situation. you don't wanna sell yourself out but at the same time a little money is nice. it seems like cute stuff has the biggest appeal unfortunately--even i can be a sucker for it sometimes. i'd buy these however!
i love the line weight in these! i'm a big fan of your work!
great line work. i'm in the same boat as far as getting work out there. just keep going, and know you're talented enough. and it's not selling out. if you want to use your talents to better your work life and life in general, by all means, sell your work. you weren't blessed with this talent not to display it. best wishes!
very very nice. great style. awesome linework.
i love these and would absolutely buy a batch if i saw them somewhere. beautiful lines, esp the hair, and the expressions are great. keep it up.
I think it works as a set! For all you know, there may be collectors of the art of the Great AG.
Well I think they're wonderful, so unique. Keep going!!
These are great! Happy, happy AG!
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